Find The Awe

Last night, Francois and I had one of our usual sessions of sitting on the roof, discussing life, God, planets, aliens…the usual. It’s a nightly tradition.

He noted that most people don’t know about the things we discuss. They’ve never taken the time to study or even thought about the fact that they could. He wondered if that was endemic only of his village. I assured him it’s a worldwide dynamic, even in the most affluent societies.

Destitute societies are focused on survival. The goal is to stay alive. That’s it. More privileged societies have the luxury of going deeper, learning more, understanding more and having a greater scope of life. Their perspective is broader. The village life is almost strictly utilitarian.

You see what you see in front of you, and that’s your entire world. Life is hard, and it’s not valued as much in these socioeconomic conditions. Why would it be?

In the Western world, we value not only life, but truly living, with purpose and fulfillment. It’s a luxury we have, and even still, few choose to pursue it.

I used to know nothing about space, stars, planets and the universe. A few years ago, Francois and I began to study these elements, and we’ve been blown away by our discoveries. Our awe for God, humanity and Earth has grown exponentially.

Why? Because we know more about it, and how it works. We understand more of the scope and the grandeur. With awe, comes appreciation.

We resolved that the more we understand, the more we appreciate. The more we appreciate, the sweeter life becomes.

I find myself constantly looking for the awe in life. With every discovery, I appreciate life more.

Learn, discover, study, dive deep into relationships, travel, experience other cultures, learn a new language. Take advantage of the free flow of information at your fingertips.

The more you understand, the more you can appreciate life. That’s where the “awe” is. And that’s worth striving for.

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