Dandapani is a Hindu monk. He lived at a cloistered monastery in Hawaii for over a decade. Now he travels the world teaching, coaching Fortune 500 exects, doing TED talks and generally continuing his journey as a Saivite Hindu priest. I recently learned of Dandapani when I saw a video on YouTube from Wired for Wonder where he gave his Energy Alchemist talk. He talks about where we focus our energy and shows us how to focus it anywhere we choose. He talks about how monks discipline themselves to be very deliberate with who they allow their energy to go to. He encourages us to ask ourselves who around us is an "energy vampire" vs. those that uplift us. We must practice "the art of being affectionately detached, but always kind, gentle, sincere, and loving towards them".And of course, he is an ardent advocate for a daily spiritual practice such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and connecting with nature. All of these elements are part of my daily life, and at this point, I can't imagine my life without them. I really appreciate Dandapani's perspective and teaching style. He's eloquent, humble, calm, kind, and wise. These are certainly characteristics I aspire to emulate. I'm grateful for his teachings. I hope they bring some light into your life as well. These were also great. Dandapani | London Real, Master Your Mind Part 1Dandapani | London Real, Master Your Mind Part 2

The post DANDAPANI appeared first on JaredAngaza.com.

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